Attack Depression

You've made it to the first step of your depression treatment've found this site! And you are one step closer to changing your life for the better!I guarantee you'll never find a more GENUINE, comprehensive site dedicated to helping you battle your depression woes.If you've tried everything and can't seem to get out of your funk, you'll find some useful self-help strategies that I've personally used to help me during my own struggles with depression, sadness, anxiety, etc.I'm no doctor, but I believe that's what makes this site so special. Not to discredit or disregard physicians, but a lot of depression websites are written by people who have never experienced it.Or they're created by companies who want to sell you some kind of medication. Trust me... these websites HATE Attack because I am probably killing their sales.

Depression and you're bombarded with ads for overpriced medication and the same information over and over again. These sites aren't interested in curing your depression. They have one goal in mind...Most medication does not fight depression at the source (unless you have a chemical imbalance.) In most cases, it temporarily relieves symptoms of depression (anxiety, upset stomach, etc.). So while the symptoms may go away for a few hours, the source of the depression is still there.So you never really get rid of the depression. You just keep taking medication to mask the symptoms. And because the symptoms keep coming back, you become dependent upon the medication. So the viscious cycle continues! And that's exactly what these companies want.

If you are suicidal or feel like you're beyond help, you should seek medical attention immediately!

However the good news is, most people can cure depression without a drop of medication.Some people will disagree with this, but I believe many types of depression can be treated by simply changing your thoughts and renewing your mind. It definitely worked for me as my depression stemmed from years of negative thinking and low self confidence. So a lot of the tips and information here will be centered around these subjects.I still battle depression and anxiety off and on today, but the difference is, I am learning how to manage and cope with it so my periods of sadness and anxiety are getting shorter and shorter. I am watching my life get better and better each and every day.

You Are Not The Only One

The first thing I want you to realize is, you are NOT alone. When you're depressed, you often feel like you're in a world by yourself and no one is worse off than you and it will just never get better.You may think you're the only person with your particular problem and no one would understand. (Trust me I've been there! Depression is very isolating and can make you feel awful.)The good news for you is no matter what caused the depression or how bad you feel, there are millions of people who have conquered their depression and they were in a much worse situation than YOU, I don't say that to belittle what you're going through because I can only imagine how painful it is. I say that to ENCOURAGE you and to let you know that I believe you can beat this demon that has been taking over your life.

Why should I care about depression in men?

From childhood, we men are taught to be in control of our feelings. And until recently, it looked like we were. That’s because until recently, men were diagnosed with depression only about one-tenth as often as women. But new research suggests that what we're really good at is hiding our feelings. Depression in men may always have been far more common than we knew.Depression touches every race, income level, and age. Each year, at least 7% of men in the U.S. suffer from depression that's 6 million of us. The actual number might be much higher because identifying depression in men is difficult.

Here are some basic facts about depression you should know. You are at risk for depression if you.

have had a prior episode of depression
have family members with depression
are at a low-income level
Depression is also more common if you have other illnesses, such as
heart disease
Treating depression can sometimes improve these conditions.

The most serious consequence of depression in men is suicide. Men account for a staggering 80% of suicides in the U.S. And although women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are 4 times more likely than women to succeed at killing themselves.

What is depression?

Depression is much more than just feeling down. Depression is a serious disruption of a person’s regular way of thinking, feeling, and acting.

In general, symptoms of depression include
loss of energy
problems sleeping and concentrating
sadness and loss of interest in pleasurable activities
thoughts about death or suicide
These symptoms of depression can last for weeks or months at a time.

Because women are diagnosed with depression 10 times more often than men, these symptoms of depression are really “their” common symptoms. It is common for men to have them also, but the signs of depression in men may be different. Instead of appearing sad, men often can become irritable or aggressive, drink too much, or act recklessly.Men often don't recognize or admit they're depressed, and they are less likely than women to seek help for depression. Also, because the signs of depression in men can look different than they do in women, doctors may not diagnosis it as often. For these reasons, depression in men may often go unidentified and untreated.

There are three recognized forms of depression

Major depression. With major depression, depressive symptoms interfere with the ability to work, eat, sleep, and enjoy life. Symptoms are serious and last for weeks or months.

Dysthymia. Dysthymia is a less severe but more persistent kind of depression

Bipolar disorder. With bipolar disorder, episodes of depression alternate with mania, an excessively “high” mood, with the potential for serious problems.After years of research, no one yet understands what really causes depression. Chemicals that nerves use to “talk” to each other in the brain are thrown out of balance. Also, certain areas of the brain can be less active during periods of depression. Research in these areas is ongoing.

How can I prevent depression?

There is no known medicine, supplement, or herb that prevents a first episode of depression.
After one episode of depression, most people will experience recurrences. But you can prevent or reduce these relapses by:

Taking antidepressant medicines consistently as prescribed. Taking medicine for six months to a year after an initial bout of depression prevents depression from coming back.Learning and practicing cognitive therapy techniques. Done properly, these techniques may work as well as antidepressant medicines in preventing recurrences.

Getting regular exercise and sleep.
Avoiding alcohol and drug use.

What are the treatments for depression?

There are effective treatments for depression. In fact, more than 80% of men respond to treatment for depression. Your primary care doctor or a psychiatrist can create a treatment plan for you. That plan for treating depression may include:Antidepressants . The medicines most often used for depression treatment today are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). These antidepressants increase the levels of specific chemicals in the brain.Talk therapy. Many kinds of psychotherapy or talk therapy are effective in treating depression. Cognitive therapy, also called cognitive-behavioral therapy, and “insight-oriented psychotherapy” are frequently used.

What else do I need to know about depression in men?

It's hard for us to shake the old ideas about depression in men: Real men don't cry, and we're sure as hell always in control of our feelings. But it's time to put this new idea into the list: A lot of real men do get depressed.If you think you're one of them, be a real man and take care of yourself. Ask for help, and get treated for depression. You deserve to feel better ? and with treatment, there is every reason to believe you soon will.

Find What Works For YOU!

If you believe that you are beyond help, this site will cause you to think otherwise. Many of you will learn that you simply haven't tried the right techniques.We're all individuals and our depression stems from different sources (abuse, negative thinking, low self esteem, etc.) Techniques and treatments that work well for you may not work for someone else.

Suffering from migraine?

According to the statistic, about 16-17% of the population get a migraine headache sometime in their life – that means over a billion people worldwide at some point get migraine.25% of women and 8% of men get migraines sometime in their lifetime. About half of these people get their first migraine before the age of 20, and 98% before the age of 50. 5% get migraine before they're 15 years old, and about a third of those get migraine before they're even 5. Most migraines, however, occur between the ages of 25 and 50. Up to 10% of children between 5 and 15 may experience migraine.

Before puberty, girls and boys are almost equal in the migraines they suffer, possibly due to the estrogen changes that women go through at various stages in life. About 70% have some other close (first degree) relative with migraine.38% of migraineurs suffer from 1-12 each year. 38% get 1-3 a month. 37% get 1 per week, and 11% get 2-6 a week. Migraines cause losses into the millions and billions when people start missing work. 90% of this problem comes from those with severe migraines; many people with less severe pain plunge ahead. And most importantly, it is a significant disturbance on our daily life!many illness and diseases have found a cure or better ways to deal with it, and the same goes with "migraine" as well.

A revolutionary natural energy generating device, the Bio Disc is the product of technically-engineered natural minerals that have been structurally bonded in glass and are capable of producing scalar energy frequencies, which may enhance your immune system and gradually helps you improve your migraine condition without medicine, injection, even operation!


MigraineIn its various forms, cephalalgia, also commonly known as headache, is one of the commonest ailments. If only occasionally, every one of us has certainly already experienced it at least once in our lives. For 15-20% of the population, of which 2-4% are children, headache is not an occasional ailment but has become a constant if unwelcome companion which makes regular return visits on a chronic basis, despite all attempts to break free from it; indeed, many people call it “my headache”. The maximum incidence of headache is reached between the ages of 35 and 45. Women suffer from it 3 times more commonly than men. Cephalalgia has a psychological/emotional component and a physical component, identified in an alteration of the blood flow to and from the cranium. Other determining factors are poor liver function, excessive intoxication of the intestine and the body in general (toxaemia), acidosis, or an excessively low bodily pH. The psychological/emotional component associated in the literature with cepha

lalgia can be summarised as follows: constant anxiety or fear, difficulty in “abandoning oneself” or “letting go”, fear of “losing one’s head”, always being “on the qui vive”; tendency to think too much, attempting to control every situation; unforeseen events and unexpected encounters are sources of stress; tendency to programme everything; tendency to take on great responsibilities even if it damages one’s own peace of mind; tendency to be perfectionist and hypercritical.


The difference between migraine and headache resides in the fact that migraine affects one side of the head, while ordinary headache is generalised through the whole of the skull. In the medical literature, cephalalgia is subdivided as follows:X Tensive headache or tension cephalalgia is the commonest form, accounting for approximately 70% of all cases of cephalalgia.

The remaining 30% are divided

X Common migraine (without aura): approximately 85% of migraine cases. Characterised by nausea, with or without vomiting. The attack may be violent or throbbing, or dull and constant like a “a weight of many kilos on the head”. The pain is exacerbated by movement, coughing, sneezing, exertion and light. The sufferer generally prefers to remain immobile, lying down in the dark and away from any noise. The duration can range from a few hours to three days. There are generally no warning signs, and the pain appears on one side of the head before quickly radiating through the rest of the body.X Classical migraine (with aura): approximately 14% of migraine cases. Differs from common migraine in that it is associated with premonitory disturbances such as hypersensitivity to light and/or sound, darkening of one side of the field of vision, scintillating lines and “floaters”. The duration ranges from 4 to 24 hours.

X Cluster cephalalgia (migraine neuralgia): approximately 1% of cephalalgia cases. Characterised by great intensity, this is extremely incapacitating, with a sudden onset. It is generally localised around one eye or temple, and normally lasts only a few minutes but may recur 10 times or more over the next 24 hours. This is why it is known as cluster cephalalgia. It afflicts men far more commonly than women. The pain of cluster cephalalgia can be so intense that the affected person wants to bang their head against the wall, or even commit suicide.

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